如何申請 Chevening獎學金
Chevening 英國政府獎學金約在每年8月開放申請,至11月中截止,以下是申請Chevening的online application system,所有申請獎學金需要的資料都有完整的說明,預祝大家順利囉!
1. 請先至Chevening獎學金申請網頁註冊帳號(http://www.chevening.org/),
2. Pre-screen 資格審核
2-1Do you have an academic qualification that is equivalent to or higher than an upper second-class (2:1) UK honours degree?
2-2Have you completed two years of work experience? This can include paid or unpaid internships and voluntary work.
2-3Do you aspire to be a future leader, decision maker or opinion former in your home country?
2-4Are you a British citizen?
2-5Have you ever received a scholarship funded by the UK government?
2-6Have you been employed in a permanent, temporary or internship role by the following organisations since July 2012; the UK Government*, the British Council, a Chevening co-sponsor, sponsoring university, or the Association of Commonwealth Universities?
2-7Have your immediate relatives* been employed in any of the above organisations since July 2012?
2-8If you received a Chevening Award would you return to the country from which you are applying for a minimum of two years?
3. Edit Personal Details
4. Your Education& work experience
4-1 Education: 畢業學校、科系資訊、入學與畢業年月份、總體成績區間(基準:100分 or GPA),之後要一併上傳英文版畢業證書與大學四年成績單
4-2Work experience:
詳列每份工作的公司名稱、職稱、工作起始年月、工作的總星期數、每週工作時數、Full/Part time、主要工作內容說明
5. Your English Language Qualification
可以接受的考試有以下三種,各有不同的minimum requirement
Academic IELTS: Overall score - 6.5, with a minimum score in each component of: Listening - 5.5; Reading - 5.5, Speaking - 5.5, Writing - 5.5
Pearson PTE Academic:Overall score - 58, with a minimum score in each component of: Listening - 42, Reading - 42, Speaking - 42, Writing - 42
TOEFL iBT:Overall score - 79, with a minimum score in each component of: Listening - 17, Reading - 18, Speaking - 20, Writing - 17
若在申請獎學金的截止日前(11月)你還沒有考到理想的IELTST成績(或尚未通過學校要求的unconditional offer的標準),請不要擔心,這不會影響你參加面試的資格。而且等到面試結束若真的收到獎學金獲獎通知,只要在繳交相關文件的截止日前(7月鐘)通過標準而且提供證明就OK囉!而且IELTS成績是隨時可以進入系統update的,並沒有鎖起來,本來就是開放給申請人可以自行更新的,所以no worries!但強烈建議在申請獎學金時就提供理想的IELTS成績,若成績不理想也要盡快考到然後進系統更新,因為全世界申請的人真的很多,如果你有很豐富的書面資料+不錯的IELTS成績,相信會更有優勢喔!
P.S.若很幸運的得獎,但在隔年七月都還沒有通過學校要求uncondiotnal offer的語言標準,只有拿到 conditioanl offer的話,Cheveing是無法接受得獎者以參加pre-sessional的方式彌補成績的喔,很可能因此被取消資格,拿到學校unconditional offer是得獎的必要條件,請大家特別注意!每個學校要求的語言成績不同,要去各個科系的頁面查詢喔!
6. Update your UK University application
申請Chevening獎學金時,需要一併提供三所你想要唸的學校和科系,並按照你個人的優先順序排列,同時針對每個科系會詢問是否已經拿到unconditional offer,若已拿到會需要上傳掃描檔,在申請的時候若還沒有拿到unuconditioanl offer其實沒有關係,並不會影響到你參加面試與得獎的資格,若卻
7. Application Questions
之前在我的另一篇網誌Chevening 英國政府獎學金分享有提到,申請獎學金必須要回答一些問題,要將這些問題填入獎學金的application form裡面,就是在這個位置,主要共有四個問題,由於University of Birmingham和Chevening有partnership,所以我有再多回答一題,也一併提供給大家參考,我記得每一題都有字數限制,但是range非常寬,一般人應該都寫不完,所以不用擔心,我那時反而還擔心會不會寫太少XD,這些問題非常廣泛,所以大家可以提早進行喔!也很建議大家可以用心智圖的方式展開,幫助自己展開和收斂想法,我覺得滿好用的!
Your personal statement: Explain why you are applying to the Chevening programme and describe the personal, intellectual and interpersonal qualities that make you well placed to be a future leader in your home country.
Your academic background:Describe your educational achievements to date. You should explain why you feel confident in your ability to successfully complete your proposed courses of study in the UK, and specify why your courses were chosen.
Your leadership and networking skills:Outline your experience and style of leadership. You should discuss your commitment to networking within the Chevening community, and beyond, in order to find solutions or bring about beneficial change.
Your career plan and benefit to your home country: Describe your immediate plans upon completion of your Chevening award. You should explain your longer-term (5-10 year) career objectives and describe how your time in the UK will help you achieve these. You should also discuss how a Chevening award would benefit you and your home country.
[b]Your interest in the Chevening/Birmingham Award:[/b] Our scholars are asked to act as ambassadors to the University of Birmingham when they graduate. How would you undertake this role and what qualities do you offer which would make you excel as an ambassador to the University? (因為我申請的學校是University of Birmingham 而Birmingham和Chevening有Partnership,所以才會有這一題喔!不知道申請其他學校的題目是不是也一樣)
8. References
9. Other Questions:
接下來就是回答有關於工作、國籍、是否有接受其他贊助、移民、工作平等是否有接受其他贊助、是透過什麼管道認識Chevening Scholarships等的問題
Application Declaration
Immigration questions
Equal opportunities
Where did you hear about Chevening
10. Submit application
11. 繳交文件後的資料修改
獎學金收件截止後,還是可以隨時更新的資訊有三種包括: IELTS成績、學校申請結果、推薦人連絡方式
Q1:Chevening Scholarships 是不是只有申請和Chevening有partnership的學校才有資格申請?
Q3:如果已經拿到conditionally selected的獎學金通知,若沒辦法在deadline之前繳齊文件,是不是獎學金就拿不到了呢?
沒錯!所以大家一定盡早考到理想的成績,還有拿到學校的unconditional offer喔!其實從送出獎學金申請文件(11月)一直到拿到獲獎通知(隔年5月),中間有足足6個月的時間,相信時間是很充裕的,千萬不要因為這樣的原因喪失資格喔!
Q4: 請問如果我拿到獎學金的話,畢業還可以留在英國工作嗎?
這就是要取捨的地方囉!當時在獎學金結果還沒有公佈時,我有去抽英國的打工度假簽證,想說畢業後留在英國邊走邊玩,賺些歐洲的旅費,能夠打平就很開心了。我在抽打工度假簽證時,有寫信去問過關於雙重簽證的問題(學生簽&打工簽),你只能選擇一種身分出國,若持打工度假簽證有效期限2年,而且可以唸書也可以打工,可以從事任何合法的行為,所以當時我想說若沒有拿到獎學金,我至少還可以用打工度假簽證出去,時間比較free,好好唸完書之後再規劃旅行。在確認拿到英國政府獎學金時,必須要簽訂一些條款terms and conditions,包括學期結束後就必須立刻返國!關於得獎後要簽署的協議還有需要準備的資料,這個部分目前我還在進行中,待確定後再和大家分享喔!預祝大家順利啦!